Intellectual Wellness: Focused Curiosity

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As I walk through each of the Dimensions of Wellness, the next dimension is very important in its influence on the wellness of all of the other dimensions. When considering everything that makes life possible (let alone well), a working brain is unarguably paramount. The next dimension is not particularly focused on the physical functioning of the brain, but on the influences that can help the mind operate at its highest capacity.

Notice how I switched from “brain” to “mind” there? I once heard Dr. Caroline Leaf separate these two in her explanation of the mind/brain connection. She explained the mind is how we uniquely think, feel, and choose; whereas the brain is like the medium that enables its operation. The mind works through the brain, and the brain responds to the mind. So, when we are engaging in actions to improve our intellect, we are expanding our mind’s unique abilities and capacities by exercising our brain.

Intellectual Wellness is the act of recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills.

My next few blog posts will concentrate on a few tips and exercises that can work the brain to increase our mind’s Intellectual Wellness, beginning with exercising what I have termed “focused curiosity.”



When you’re intellectually satisfied, you feel curious about the world around you, and excited about learning new things. You may feel open to being challenged about your thoughts and beliefs. Also, you’ll probably find the time to learn skills and engage in creative activities. If you struggle in this dimension, you might feel bored and you could be quick to shut down other people’s opinions and perspectives during discussions.

At the foundation of all of the tips for increasing Intellectual Wellness, I notice a common thread…curiosity. A thirst for life, a journey of exploration and discovery, and the continual act of asking questions and finding answers.

I have always been extremely curious and hungry to learn more, nearly to a fault. I have learned that without a focus (compass) to all of my curiosity, I could find myself dabbling in ENDLESS content across the vast array of categories in life. Social issues, health, psychology, nature, children, business, food, travel, home, the world...the fascination never ends to things that can peak my curiosity! Ultimately, my curiosity could make me like a rudderless ship, always sailing toward the unknown horizon, never arriving at any real purpose or mission.

How can we achieve focused curiosity?



Inside our Intellectual Wellness journeys, as with all of the Dimensions of Wellness, are our personal resources and how we use them (or don’t use them). From a core value system to actions, these tools are there to be utilized either effectively or not, and they can only be used in the moment. Once the moment is gone, so are the resources that we were provided for that particular moment. So, this very moment, I am using my resources to produce this blog post.

I've been learning how to hone in and approach my curiosity from my value system first by asking myself, "Why am I learning this and how will it serve my purpose?" Watching opinion-based political videos, being entertained with feel-good human interest videos, or living vicariously through travel photography on Instagram isn't really pushing my intellectual needle forward, if you know what I mean. So, while those things may be interesting to my mind, I try to harness my curiosity by bringing my attention back to my values, which direct the compass of my intentions, attention, connections, and actions.

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In today's attention economy, it is extremely important to be conscious of the value of this particular resource. Attention is one of the most sought after and highly valued in the digital media world, and it is certainly the easiest to tend to go rudderless and take the other external resources (connections and actions) with it. Take back ownership of some your most valuable assets, and use your currency wisely to grow your mind for where you want to aim in life.

Focus your curiosity to grow your intelligence and be well!



Intellectual Wellness: Write Down Your Thoughts


Emotional Wellness